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Fun With Pseudo-Namespaces in Bash

Looking through the bash oo framework repository I noticed the use of :: in function names. I have never seen this in bash scripts prior to using this framework, and I was curious about how I could leverage these in scripts to help more easily identify related processing commands.

Interestingly, some things work very well and some not so much:

2:00 PM [~] > alias hi::there='echo hi'
2:00 PM [~] > hi::there
2:00 PM [~] > hi
bash: hi: command not found
2:00 PM [~] > there
bash: there: command not found

2:00 PM [~] > alias hi.there='echo hi'
2:00 PM [~] > hi.there
2:00 PM [~] > hi
bash: hi: command not found
2:01 PM [~] > there
bash: there: command not found

2:01 PM [~] > hi.there() { echo hi; }
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(`

2:01 PM [~] > hi:there() { echo hi; }
2:01 PM [~] > hi:there
2:01 PM [~] > hi
bash: hi: command not found
2:01 PM [~] > there
bash: there: command not found

A quick search for Bash Namespaces brings up a weath of additional information for using this technique.

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